The Role of Interest Groups in the Peru-United States Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA)

Autor: José Alberto Niño

Formative Activity Equivalent to Thesis: Case Study to qualify for the title of Master in International Strategy and Trade Policy.


This case study seeks to analyze the impact that interest groups had in shaping the modifications in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provisions contained in the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA). In its original form, the PTPA contained IPR provisions that were favorable to pharmaceutical interest groups, but after several political changes in the U.S. Congress in 2006, the trade agreement was reviewed again and saw some modifications in its IPR provisions. Ultimately, this study looks to highlight the negotiation process from start to finish to understand what political dynamics were in play and determine if interest groups were the primary actors in shaping these changes.

Keywords: Peru, United States, free trade, trade agreement, intellectual property, pharmaceutical industry, interest groups.
